Brendan Leigh is a 29 year old photographer currently based out of Mexico. Brendan has been photographing full time since 2013 and the majority of his work focuses on the interaction of humans and the environment around them. Through his photos, Brendan’s aim is to use his photos to show the life in the environment in where he is currently located.
Brendan holds an undergraduate degree from McGill University in Environmental Science and M.Sc. in Sustainable Agriculture from the Polytechnic University in Madrid. Since September 202, Brendan has been living in the Veracrúz, Mexico. Prio to moving to Mexico, Brendan lived in Chile, Spain, and Canada.
Brendan Leigh tiene 26 años y es un fotógrafo actualmente ubicado en Veracrúz, Mexico. Brendan ha estado scando fotos desde 2013 y la mayoria de su trabajo esta enfocando en la interacion de los humanos y su aredadores. Utilizando sus fotos, Brendan intenta capturar la vida y ambiente de donde esté ubicado.